Abstract Tongqiqi refers to a way of prevention and treatment in which the universal qi corresponding to thc qi causing disease is made use of,while Yuanqiqi is the way in which the universal qi different or contrary to the qi causing disease is employed.Both are virtually regarded as a whole of opposite and unity containing the dialectical principle of traditional Chinese mdeicine,i·e, treatment should be varied with different conditions such as the geographical localities,seasonal changes and the patients’constitution.The principle embodies the basic characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine,that is,diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of symptoms and signs, Tongqiqi is applicable to the treatment of disharmony of the body with external environment when the body is attacked by seasonal pathogenic factors.In addition,it may be taken as a way of preservation of vitality qi.Yuanqiqi is adopted to clear away heat in both exterior and interior,or cold in both exterior and interior characterized by heat of excess type or the declined body function.Its sense of health preservation lies in prevention of diseases.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine