
论后现代语境下比较文学的文学性 被引量:1

On the Literariness of the Comparative Literature in the Post-modern Context
摘要 在强调文化多元主义和注重文化对话的后现代语境中,关于文学性的探讨对于比较文学确立学科身份、避免学科泛化、拓展学科领域具有重要的理论意义。比较文学的文学性逐渐脱离单一的既定内涵和研究方法的规定,出现虚化的倾向。然而这却意味着比较文学研究在后现代语境下对文学性问题的重估,即比较文学正力图依托文学性建立学科自身的问题域,通过对文学性的再论说推动比较文学的理论嬗变、话语转型和学科重建的进程。 The study of the literariness is of great significance for comparative literature to determine the discipline identity and avoid the risk of the generalization of the discipline and widen the study field in the post-modern context of emphasizing the cultural pluralism and the cultural dialogue.The study of comparative literature tries to revalue the problem of the literariness,namely,to establish the problem domain of the discipline on the basis of the literariness and promote effectively the process of the theoretical evolution and discourse transition and the reconstruction of the discipline through the re-exposition on the literariness.
作者 周丹
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期120-124,共5页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2009年度青年项目"当代西方基督教诗学思想研究(09YJC52011) 江西省教育科学"十一五"规划课题"后现代语境中比较文学的整合型教学模式研究"(09YB091)
关键词 比较文学 后现代语境 文学性 comparative literature post-modern context literariness
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  • 1Shoshana Felman, Le Scandale du Corps Parlant: Dan Juan avec Austin, ou la Seduction en Deux Laagues(Paris: Seuil, 1980), trans, by atherine Porter as The Literary Speech Act: Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or Seduction in Two Languages(Ithaca: Cotnell University Press, 1983 ).
  • 2Judith Butler, Gender Trouble : Feminism and the Subversion of Identity(New York: Rutledge, 1990).
  • 3See Kerstin Behnke, "Fragments, Not Wholes: Antinomian Thoughts in ' Literary Studies',"50-55 in Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht and Walter Moser, eds., The Future of Literary Studies /L'avenir des etudes litterarires (Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Review of Comparative Literature).
  • 4Tilottmrm Rajan, "In the Wake of Cultural Studies: Globalization, Theory, and the University", diacritics 31 (2001), p. 67-88.
  • 5Paul de man, The Resistanee to Theory, p11.
  • 6Cited in Ulrich Weisstein, "Assessing the Assessors: An Anatomy of Comparative Literature Handbooks", pp.97-113 in Janos Riesz, Peter Boemer and Bernhard Scholz, eds., Sensus Communis: Contemporary Trends in Comparative Literature, Festchrift Fur Henry Remak (Tubingen:Guntex Narr Verlag, 1986), p. 104.
  • 7Henry H. H. Remak, "Comparative Literature at the Cwsswads: Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis", Yearbook of Combative literature, 9(1960), pp. 1-28.
  • 8Rene Wellek, "The Crisis of Comparative Literature"(1958),pp.282-95 in Wellek, Concepts of Criticism, ed. Stephen G. Nichols (New Haven:Yale University Press, 1963), and Charles Bemheimer,"Introduction: The Amdety of Comparison", Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism, p. 2.
  • 9Maria Rosa Menocal. Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric(Durham: Duke University Press, 1994).
  • 10Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Manifesto of the Cormnunist Party", Selected Works in One Voltane(New York: International, 1968), pp.38-39.











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