
热浪袭人:全球变暖与美国大平原的未来 被引量:2

Feeling the Heat:Global Warming and the Future of the Great Plains and American West
摘要 全球变暖是人类面临的最严峻的挑战之一。大平原的经历可以为我们提供一些启示。第一,如果对一种气候不能充分理解或充分接受,就很难适应这一气候。第二,试图通过技术控制自然,是一种不充分的、短期的适应方法。第三,避免1930年代的灾难再次发生的最好策略,是使大平原的更多地区保留自然的、农业开发之前的那种状态。第四,实现对气候的最佳适应,永远不可能仅仅依靠私有制或商业思想,也不能仅仅通过建立慷慨的政府救助计划,对遭受旱灾的经营者予以赔偿。人类需要做的是文化必须适应环境。 Through the history of human settlement in the western region of North America,we can learn some lessons it holds for the future of global warming. Firstly,it is hard to adapt to a climate that one do not fully understand or do not fully want to accept. Secondly,trying to control nature through technology is not an adequate or long-term approach to adaptation. Thirdly,the best strategy for avoiding another thirties-style catastrophe lies in restoring more of the plains to their natural,pre-agricultural condition. Fourth-ly,the best adaptation to climate can never be achieved merely by private property institutions or en-trepreneurial thinking,or a generous program of government relief. Adaptation must be cultural and social as well as technological.
出处 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期91-101,共11页 Jiangsu Social Sciences
关键词 全球变暖 尘暴重灾区 水土侵蚀 美国大平原 global warming Dust Bowl Great Plains soil erosion the United States
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  • 1Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment, ed. J.T. Houghton, G.J. Jenkins, and J.J. Ephraums (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), xi-xii.
  • 2David Pimental, ed. Handbook of Energy Utilization in Agriculture (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1980.
  • 3Karl W. Butzer, "Adaptation to Global Environmental Change," Professional Geographer, 32 (August 1980): Butzer, 273.
  • 4New York Times, 7 September 1991.
  • 5Edward N. Lorenz, "Irregularity: A Fundamental Property of the Atmosphere," Tellus, 36A (1984): 108.
  • 6The Future of the Great Plains, House Document 144, 75th Congress, 1 st session, 63-64.
  • 7Jonathan Taylor, Mary W. Downton, and Thomas R. Stewart, "Adapting to Environmental Change: Perceptions and Farming Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region," in Arid Lands Today and Tomorrow, ed. Emily E. Whitehead, et al. (Boulder: Westview Press, 1988), 666.
  • 8John Walsh, "What to Do When the Well Runs Dry," Science, 210 (14 November1980): 754-56.
  • 9Norman J. Rosenberg, ed., Drought in the Great Plains: Research on Impact and Strategies (Littleton, Colo.: Water Resources Publications, 1979), 20-21.
  • 10Marc Reisner, Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water (New York: Viking, 1986), 460-67.











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