Objective To elucidate estrogen receptor (ER) expression in the pancreatic carcinoma andits clinical implication. Method Twenty-four surgical specimens of the pancreatic carcinoma and 12 specimensof normal pancreas were investigated by using immunohistochemical technique (S-P method). Result Thepositive rate of ER in the pancreatic carcinoma cases was 58.3%, which was much higher than in the normalpancreas (8.3%) with the difference being significant (P<0.01). The ER was more highly expressed inthe smaller and better-differentiated pancreatic carcinoma than that in the large and poor differentiated one.The ER positive tumor was more possibility to invade vessels than the ER negative one (P<0.05 for all).Conclusion ER can be highly expressed in the pancreatic carcinoma cells, and its expression is related to itsbiological behaviors such as differentiation, vessel invasion, tumor size, etc.. Endocrine therapy is an adjuvantway to treat pancreatic carcinoma with positive ER expressed.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery