
我国碳金融发展的形势展望与政策建议 被引量:4

Prospects and policy suggestions for China's carbon finance development
摘要 当前,应对气候变化已成为全球问题,其中市场机制和金融工具的作用非常关键。我国作为全球最主要的温室气体排放国之一,减排的国际压力可能继续上升。而实现国民经济的长期可持续发展,也需要经济发展方式从能源消耗模式转向低碳模式。这种长期减排的压力给我国碳金融的发展带来了机遇。但以现实条件而言,当前我国碳金融仍处于非常初级的探索阶段,为此,文章提出了短期内推动我国碳金融发展的关注重点及相关政策建议。 Climate change has now become a global issue. To solve this problem, market mechanism and financial tools are crucial. As one of the major greenhouse gas emitters, China will likely face long-term pressure to reduce its emissions, which in turn could be an opportunity for carbon finance development in the country. To ensure long-term sustainable development, China's economy should switch from the high-energy consumption model to a low-carbon economy model. However, due to some institutional and policy restrictions, China's carbon finance is still in its infancy. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to promote the development of domestic carbon finance.
出处 《中国货币市场》 2010年第7期36-39,共4页 China Money
关键词 碳金融 碳减排 清洁发展机制 carbon finance, carbon emission reduction, Clean Development Mechanism
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