针对B/S模式校园管理系统的建设与应用,提出了基于Spring MVC技术架构的解决方案,该方案在Web系统快速设计与开发中得到了具体的应用。结果证明,采用Spring内置的MVC和Hibernate技术架构对于构建复杂的业务系统,较传统的Struts+Spring+Hibernate(SSH)组合,提高了开发效率和系统的质量,降低了系统的复杂性。
Aiming at the construction and application of B/S model-based campus management system, a solution based on Spring MVC technology framework is proposed, and it gets applied to the rapid design and development of Web system. Result proves that the technology framework of Spring MVC and Hibernate, compared with the traditional combination of Struts, Spring and Hibernate, can not only improve development efficiency and system quality, but also reduce system complexity in constructing complicated business system.
Computer Era