
网络遥操作系统中基于事件的预测控制策略 被引量:8

Event-based predictive control strategy for teleoperation via internet
摘要 本文提出一种新的基于事件的预测控制策略,在保证系统稳定的同时,能适应环境的不断变化和应付突发事件,极大提高了系统的操作性能.该策略在主端设计一个基于时延预测的路径管理器,在线产生一个适当的预测事件,以提高跟踪性能以及环境适应能力和应付突发事件的发生;在从端设计一个广义预测控制器,产生冗余的控制信息以减小数据丢包和大时延对系统的影响,提高系统的鲁棒稳定性和操作性能.仿真试验结果表明本文方法能有效解决时变时延以及网络数据丢包引起的稳定性问题和性能下降问题. We propose a new event-based predictive control strategy that not only ensures the system stability but also makes the teleoperation system adapt to environmental changes and deal with the burst incident.Thus,it improves the performance of the teleoperation system.At the master site,a Round-Trip-Timedelay-predictor-based Path Governor is designed to generate a suitable predictive event for improving the tracking performance,and dealing with environmental changes and the burst of events.At the slave site,a Global Predictive Control controller is designed,which generates the redundant control information to reduce the influence of the packet loss and the large time-delay of the internet,so as to improve the robust stability and the operation performance.Simulations and results demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期623-626,共4页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(60334010)
关键词 路径管理器 广义预测控制 遥操作 基于事件的控制 path governor global predictive control teleoperation event-based control
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