

A Study on the Bank's Credit Risk Management in Post-Crisis Era——from the Perspective of Balance Control between Risk and Return
摘要 后危机时代经济运行态势的不确定性对银行业的信用风险管理体系提出了新的挑战。商业银行要主动研究新能源、新技术、新产业市场拓展问题,培育新兴信贷市场,加快信贷结构调整来应对信贷大投放后的信贷业务持续发展,并研究在经济周期下行压力下企业及其关联方风险承受能力的状况,提升信贷风险识别和风险计量水平,创新信贷定价模式,优化经济资本配置。 In Post- Crisis era, the uncertainty of the economy trend has brought new challenges on the credit risk management system of the banking industry. Banks should take the initiative in the study of the market expansion of new energy, new technologies, new industries, foster the development of new credit market, accelerate credit structural adjustment to do with sustainable development of credit business after the rapid credit growth. Meanwhile, banks should make researches on the status of risk - bearing capacity of enterprises and their related parties, enhance the credit risk identification and measurement level, improve credit pricing model and optimize the allocation of economic capital.
作者 徐娜 孙君阳
出处 《山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报》 2010年第4期50-52,119,共4页 Journal of Shandong Administrative College and Shandong Economic Management Personnel College
关键词 后危机时代 商业银行 信用风险 结构调整 Post -crisis Era Commercial Banks Credit Risk Structure Adjustment
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