
低热值气体燃料燃烧室数值模拟与试验研究 被引量:4

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Aeroengine Combustor Burning Low Calorific Value Gas Fuel
摘要 以某型航空发动机燃烧室为研究对象,对低热值燃料燃烧室进行了数值模拟和试验研究。采用RNGk-ε模型、小火焰紊流燃烧模型和P-1辐射模型,预估了紊流特性、化学反应速率和辐射通量;应用SIMPLE算法,对离散方程进行求解。计算结果与试验数据比较表明二者基本吻合,这说明计算方法合理,可用来估算低热值燃料燃烧室的燃烧性能。 The numerical simulation and experimental investigation of an aeroengine combustor burning low calorific value gas fuel were conducted.The turbulent flow characteristics,the chemical reaction rate and the radiation flux were preliminarily evaluated by the RNG k-ε model,the flamelet turbulent flow combustion model,and the P-1 radiation model.The discretization equations were solved by the SIMPLE algorithm.The calculation results are correspondence with the experimental data.This show the method can be used to estimate the combustion performance of the combustor burning low calorific value fuel.
出处 《航空发动机》 2010年第3期39-41,44,共4页 Aeroengine
关键词 低热值燃料 燃烧室 数值模拟 航空发动机 试验 low calorific value fuel combustor numerical simulation aeroengine experiment
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