
基于加速度计阵列的舰船波浪运动检测 被引量:5

Measurement principle of ship wave movement based on accelerometer array
摘要 通过数学建模建立基于加速波计陈列的无陀螺舰船波浪运动检测技术,研究与船体固连及与地固连坐标系上加速度分量的变换规则,提出利用超声波多普勒频移原理测定初速度.采用9个加速度计,设计了无陀螺的舰船波浪运动检测系统.研究表明,采用惯性测量系统,可使检测完全自主,不受干扰,且输出信息实时性强信息量大;采用加速度计阵列,可使检测系统传感器成本低,质量轻,动力消耗小,温度特性好,抗震能力强. The study presents a mathematical model of ship wave movement after the coordinate system of ship wave movement being introduced. On the basis of the changing rules between acceleration values in the hull coordinates and the ground coordinates, a method to measure the initial velocity is put forth by means of the ultrasonic Doppler shift principle is developed. The measurement system of ship wave movement is set up using 9 gyro-free accelerometers. Because inertia measurement system and accelerometer array are adopted, the newly developed system has many advantages such as very small interference, strong and real-time information, low cost sensor, light weight, little energy consumption, and high capability of shock resistance and temperature.
出处 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期374-378,共5页 Journal of Shenzhen University(Science and Engineering)
基金 国家高等学校博士学科点专项科研资助项目(20090172120041 20090172110008)~~
关键词 导航仪表检测 无陀螺舰船波浪运动 加速度计阵列 惯性测量系统 detection of navigation instrument ship wave movement accelerometer array inertia measurement system
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