To investigate the MRI findings of extrmity soft tissue liposarcoma and correlate them with the delve of histopathologic differentiation. Methods: Preoperative MRI findings and postoperative pathology of six liposarcomas were analysed retmspectively. 'l'he tumor size. morpholgy. margination. signal characteristic and relationship Of the tumor to adjacent structures were also assessed, and correlating them with surgical pathology. Results: Among 6 cases Of liPosarcoma there were 2 cases of well differentiated 3 myxoiltype, one pleomorphic. Well-differentiated liposarcoma contains a large amount Of well-differentiated lipocytes pathologically. showing linear high or relatively high signal Intensity (SI) on T1WI and T2ar, tumor is well defined homogeneous in SI, adjacent structures were not invased readily. My-cold-type liposarcoma is composed mainly of my-cold matrix containing a few well-(lifferentiated proliferating lipoblasts, demonstrating no or little signal on MRI characteristic for fal. mildly inhomogeneous. Plepmorpic-type liposarcoma is a high-grade malignant tumor, usualy containing areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. obviously hetergeneous. no signal characteristic for fat adjacent structures is infiltrated and edematous. Conclusion: The degree of histolog differentiation and malignancy can be evaluated on the basis of MRI findings of liposarcoma.
Chinese Journal of Cancer