In order to determine the demagingsites of the superoxidative function in cases ofCOPD and Cor pulmonale, we measured the level ofSOD and MDA. We also conducted the histoimmunologic positioning of mitochondrial membranepho%pholipid in the isolated (下转第83页)(上接第77页) lymphocytes in 36 patients withCOPD and Cor pulmonale and 16 health in control.The results showed that the stages of COPD andCor pulmonale correlated with SOD, MDA, thenumber of mitochondria in lymphocytes and thechange of membrane phospholipid significantly. Thelevel of MDA and the number of mitochondric increased in patients with longer history of COPD andCor pulmonale and with more seventy. Our studysuggests that: ① superoxidative function correlateswith the changes of membrane phospholipid significantlyl ② the membrane phospholipid may be thetarget sites of this imbalance, which could affect thefunction of the cells.
Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)