Because of a large amount of western thoughts' swarming into China in the new era, the innovative novelists with consciousness stream thoughts have accepted western modernism literary thoughts and theories, as a result of which their literary styles and artistic skills are engraved with western consciousness stream. To some extent, this enriches the thoughts and artistic achievements of Chin'a' s contemporary novels. However, this mainly manifests the novelists' efforts in modernization and nationalization from the perspective of thought themes and contents. Moreover, the novelists of the new era integrate and adjust the western modernism artistic skills to some extent, which highlights their efforts of nationalization principle of "learning from the west while keeping our mainstream status". In the new era, the consciousness stream novels' evolution from simulating western skills to pursuing and meditating national cultural psychology, national cultural tradition, social political criticism and whole nation' s inherent weakness manifests the novelists' strong national consciousness and social responsibility.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
new era
consciousness stream novels