

Statistics study on the orientation relationships of surface precipitates in a duplex stainless steel
摘要 针对双相不锈钢表层析出相与基体位向关系的不一致性,对于两相之间的无理位向关系进行了半定量的统计。从相变本质的角度出发,将无理位向关系可以看作是从有理位向出发的刚性转动,可以用转轴、方向和转角来衡量。利用背散射电子衍射技术分析了双相不锈钢表层的析出相和基体的取向关系,根据转动的转轴、转动方向2个特征对所有位向关系进行归纳,发现在双相不锈钢的表面,奥氏体析出相与基体的位向关系的不一致性是由不同方式的转动造成的。偏离K-S位向的转动主要有两大类:一类转动是以平行的密排方向为转轴,另一类转动是以无理方向为转轴。 This work presents a characterization of the orientation relationships(OR) between austenite precipitates and the matrix on the surface of a duplex stainless steel.The irrational OR is specified by a rigid rotation from a rational OR,such as the K-S OR.The axis and the direction of the rotation have been used as identification elements to classify the rotation.According to electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD) measurement data from the surface of the sample,several kinds of rotations are found,including the rotations around the parallel close packed directions and around a high indexed direction.The results revealed that a variety of the ORs on the surface are characterized with different rotation axes rather than the gradual change of rotation angles.
作者 孟杨 张文征
出处 《中国科技论文在线》 CAS 2010年第4期255-259,共5页
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20050003005)
关键词 沉淀相变晶体学 位向关系 背散射电子衍射 crystallography of precipitation orientation relationship electron backscattering diffraction
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