
标捕技术在松墨天牛种群扩散格局中的运用 被引量:2

Study on the population dispersal pattern of Monochamus alternatus by using mark-release-recapture methods
摘要 应用标记诱捕技术,按照动态分析方法,系统研究了松墨天牛成虫在林间的种群扩散和消长的动态变化规律,并在求得扩散参数的基础上组建扩散方程。研究结果表明:按扩散速率随释放时间呈指数式下降;扩散密度随距离的增加而减少;其种群平均扩散距离达123.25 m;应用标记诱捕技术监测松墨天牛种群数量动态的变化,方法简单、实用、可行。 The population dispersal and dynamics of Monochamus alternatus adults were studied in Longhai county by the mark-release-trap methods,and the dispersal equation were built after the dispersal parameters have been worked out.The results indicated that the adults'population presented normal distribution from the estimation of deviation and the dispersal rate decreased with releasing time.The dispersal density reduced along with the increase of distance and the average population dispersal distance was 123.25 m.The results showed that it's easy,feasible and practical by using the methods to forecast the occurrence quantity of the adults'population.
作者 姚历勇
出处 《林业科技开发》 2010年第4期113-115,共3页 China Forestry Science and Technology
基金 福建省科学技术厅科学基金资助项目"松材线虫病监测及松墨天牛综合控制技术研究"(编号:2000-Z-02)
关键词 松墨天牛 标记诱捕技术 种群扩散格局 Monochamus alternatus Hope mark-release-recapture methods the population dispersal pattern
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