对我国金融信托业经营效率的合理评估是改进公司经营方法,进行合理资源配置的指导依据,对效率评价指标体系的构建成为经营效率评估的基础。在理论构建效率指标的基础上,运用Monte Carlo仿真模拟对效率指标体系进行实证分析。结果显示仅仅通过理论分析构建效率指标的是不合理的,它忽略了公司经营的实际情况和偶然因素,所以,通过考虑概率分布的基础上对指标体系进行相关性检验之后的指标更加合理。
The reasonable efficiency-assessment of China’s financial trust industry is the basis of improving companys’ business practice and guiding the rational allocation of resources.The designing of efficiency evaluation index system is the basis of assessing operational efficiency.In this paper,based on the theoretical framework of efficiency index,we use Monte Carlo simulation system to simulate efficiency indicators for empirical analysis.The results show that it is unreasonable to construct efficiency indicators only based on theoretical analysis,because it ignores the company’s actual situation and the causal factors.So,after applying Monte Carlo simulation and considering the probability distribution of the target system and the correlation test,the index system is more reasonable.
Science-Technology and Management