From five classic types of Single-layer steel reticulated dome (Schwedler Dome, Lamella Dome, Kiewitt Dome, Three way grid Dome and Geodesic Dome), the paper gives the section optimum design to one hundred shells of five different types and different size (rise-span ratios change from 1/7 to 1/3, spans change from 30m to 60m) based on sequential two-level algorithm. Selected good samples were chosen from those sectional optimization results. The good sample has 3 aspects: span, rise-span ratio and corresponding shell type with minimum weight in the span and rise-span ratio case. Building up the mapping relationship between span, rise-span ratios and type of shell with minimum weight by using the Nonlinear function simulation capabilities of BP artificial neural network. This way could eliminate many problems caused by solving a nonlinear mechanical and mathematical model of lectotype optimization, provides an easy and convenient way to accomplish lectotype optimization of Single-layer steel reticulated dome through section optimization.
Progress in Steel Building Structures
BP artificial neural network
section optimization
lectotype optimization