
比较两种检测麻风菌鼻携带的方法 被引量:1

Comparison of two methods for detection of M.leprae nasal carriage
摘要 目的选用简便、快速、经济的麻风菌鼻携带检测法,评价麻风病传播及防治效果。方法采用PCR和Dot-ELISA/ECL平行检测鼻分泌物中麻风菌及其酚糖脂(PGL-1)抗原。以5种分枝杆菌为对照,评价两试验的特异性;以45例不同治疗状态的麻风患者和143名接触者的检测,比较两试验的敏感性。结果PCR的阳性检出率略高于Dot-ELISA/ECL,经配对χ2检验,差异没有显著性。结论Dot-ELISA/ECL较PCR简便、快速、经济,是一项适用于现场研究的麻风流行病学工具。此外。 Objective To select a more simple, rapid and cost effective laboratory method for detecting M.leprae nasal carriage in order to evaluate transmission of leprosy and efficiency of leprosy control. Methods PCR and Dot ELISA/ECL were applied to detect parallel M.leprae and PGL 1 antigen. Five Mycobacteria were used as control to evaluate the specificity of the two tests. Forty five leprosy patients with different status of treatment and 143 leprosy contacts were used to compare the sensitivity of the two tests. Results The two tests were of ideal specificity and no significant statistic difference was found although the positivity of PCR was higher than Dot ELISA/ECL. Conclusion Dot ELISA/ECL is a more simple, rapid and cost effective tool for epidemiological study of leprosy. In addition, GVHP membrane is a suitable supporter to detect mucosa secretive antigens.
出处 《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期77-80,共4页 Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
基金 菲律宾Culion基金
关键词 麻风 免疫印迹 ELISA PCR 化学发光 Leprosy M.leprae nasal carriage Dot ELISA/ECL Polymerase chain reaction
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