Using the method of dual-wavelength measurement of platelet (Ca2+)iand Fura-2 as the Ca2+ fluorophore probe, we measured the effect of Acidic Mu-copolysaccharide from Sticopus Japonicus Selenka (SJAMP) on platelet [Ca2-] i.The results showed that the most significant increase in plate1ets [Ca2+)i was seenwhen the concentration of SJAMP was 100 μg/ml and the elevation of normalplatelet [Ca2 +]i was 93. 96±10. 24 nmol/L, (n = 1O). In the presence of extracellular Ca2+ (1 mmol/L),the magnitude of platelets [Ca2+]i could reach 116. 72±10. 66nmol/I, (n=10). On the other hand,the magnitude of increased platelets [Ca2- ]ireaching the highest level was longer when compared with other platelet aggregationagents. In the mean time.if platelets was first incubated with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, the rise of (Ca2+]i evoked by SJAMP was inhibited. The results indlcatedthat the mechanism of the rise of [Ca2+]i induced by SJAMP might be dependentupon the generation of prostaglandin endperoxides and/or TXA2
Journal of Clinical Hematology