研究了在普通氧化塘净化印染废水过程中,引入水葫芦,以提高其净化效率的条件。研究表明,除水力停留时间、光照强度、污染负荷外、水葫芦氧化塘中的水力条件,也是重要的运行参数。合适的 G 值,可以大幅度提高水葫芦氧化塘的净化效能。对于增殖的水葫芦,应以处置为主,兼顾回收利用。从技术经济分析,本工艺投资省,净化效率高,运转费用低,尤其适于作为印染废水物化或生化处理后的后续处理。
A microecosystem in the root of water hyacinths,where the pollutants in wastewater were first to be absorbed and fixed on the root surface of water hyacinths,then degraded by the root mieroecosystem.With this reason,when water hyacinths were led into general oxidation pond, there would be a raise in the purifying efficiency of dyeing wastewater. In the practical operation,there were some important parameters:retention time,light strength, pollution load,especially hydraulic grade,a suitable G value(hydraulic grade)would make the pur- ifying efficiency of dyeing wastewater reach the highest. After consideration,we had drawn the conclusion that the technology of oxidation pond with water hyacinths would be of small invest and operating consume and high purifying efficiency,it would be very suitable for as the further treatment technology of dyeing wastewater.
Shanghai Environmental Sciences