目的:通过对十二指肠球部溃疡患者治疗的临床路径(Clinical pathway,CP)实施情况的分析,评价临床路径应用效果及在单病种付费中所发挥的作用。方法:选取2007年10月至2009年6月十二指肠球部溃疡患者的信息,以其平均住院日、住院费用、治愈率、并发症、病人满意度等作为评价指标,将研究组(应用临床路径的患者)和对照组(未应用临床路径的患者)进行对比分析。结果:实施了临床路径这一医疗质量管理办法的患者与未实行这一方法的患者之间在住院时间、住院费用方面有显著差异。结论:临床路径应用于十二指肠球部溃疡病种患者的治疗,可以明显缩短平均住院日,降低平均住院费用,改善医疗服务质量并提高病人满意度。
Objective: To evaluate the implementation effect of clinical pathway (CP) in patients with duodenal ulcer. Methods: After consulting the information of the hospitalized patients with duodenal ulcer from October 2007 to june 2009, we analyzed the effect of CP using the average length of stay and the hospital charges for the patients as the evaluating indexes. Results: There was significant difference in the length of stay and the hospital charges for the patients between the CP groups and the traditional groups. Conclusion: The method of clinical pathway can markedly decrease the length of stay and hospital charges for the therapy ofpatiants with duodenal ulcer.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide