

Node Localization Based on Multi-Beacons in WSNs
摘要 基于信标的节点定位算法是无线传感器网络领域的一大研究热点;对于圆周型分布的信标组,发现最优的信标个数为5,且1个位于圆心,其余4个均匀分布在圆周上;针对矩形ROI,利用信标组可定位区域为正方形的优势,将整个网络划分为栅格,采用旅行商算法获取信标的最优移动路径;基于五信标节点定位模型提出一种新颖的区域分割质心定位算法(RDCLA),通过3组RSSI值比较,将节点锁定到某个三角形区域内,采用质心算法定位节点;该算法原理简单,计算复杂度低,与网络拓扑结构无关;仿真结果表明,较之TCLA和WCLA定位精度有较大的提升,且适用于各种规模的无线传感器网络。 Node localization based on beacons is a hot research topic in wireless sensor Networks. When the beacons are deployed with circular distribution, the optimal number of beacons is 5. Furthermore, one is at the center and the others are uniformly distributed on the circle. The rectangular ROI can be divided into several square regions positioned by 5--beacon--group, and then traveling salesman algo- rithms are adoptedto obtain the optimal moving path of beacons. Based on 5--beacon--group localization model, a novel Region--Divided Centroid Localization Algorithm (RDCLA) is proposed. By three groups of RSSI comparisons, the node is locked in a certain triangular area, and then localized by Centroid Algorithms. The algorithm is simple to implement with low complexity in computation, and independent of network topology. Theoretical analyses and simulation results show that RDCLA can reach a higher location accuracy level than TCLA or WCLA, and is suitable for any scale of wireless sensor networks.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期1697-1700,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60634030) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NECT-06-0878) 西北工业大学科技创新项目(W016143)
关键词 无线传感器网络 节点定位 信标组 质心定位 wireless sensor networks, node localization, beacon--group centroid localization
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