
万能引语导入语be like的形成机制研究——英语流行语认知研究之一 被引量:1

A Study of the Formation Mechanism of All-purpose Quotative Be Like
摘要 自20世纪80年代初开始出现到现在的广泛运用,be like已经成为英语中一个广为使用的万能引语导入语(all-purpose quotative),并成为近20年的一个热门研究话题。本文在说明be like成为引语导入语的历史渊源和文化、社会和语言运用的背景基础上,运用认知语用学"外延内涵传承说"理论,对be like逐步成为引语导入语的语法化过程和形成机理做了概括,认为like的外延内涵传承是其形成的基础,相邻吸纳原则是使其形成的心理机制和动因。 Nowadays be like has turned into a widely-used all-purpose quotative since its immergence in the 1980s. It has been a hot research topic for about two decades. This paper, on the basis of the social, cultural and linguistic background of quotative be like, explores its grammaticalization and formation mechanism within the framework of "inheritance of the connotation and denotation", a theory in cognitive pragmatics. It is "the inheritance of the connotation and denotation" of like and "the adjacent attraction principle" that respectively serve as the fundamental basis and psychological motivation of the formation of quotative be like.
作者 李淑静
机构地区 河南大学
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 2010年第4期27-34,共8页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 河南省社科项目基金资助 项目编号2006CYY005
关键词 BE LIKE LIKE 形成机制 外延内涵的传承 相邻吸纳原则 Be like like formation mechanism the inheritance of the denotation and connotation adjacent attraction principle
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