目的编制普通话版的噪声下言语识别速测表(QuickSpeech-In-Noise,Quick SIN)并进行等价性筛选。方法从嘈杂语噪声下的普通话儿童短句库中抽取90个句子组成15张噪声下旬表。每张表6句话,每句包含5个关键词,表中各句的信噪比依次为+15,+10,+5,0,-5,-10dB。选择15名18~25岁听力正常人为受试者,每位受试者依次测试15张表,计算各自的信噪比损失。对15张句表的信噪比损失进行单因素方差分析,并使用TukeyHSD检验进行表间两两比较和等价性分析。结果15名受试者的信噪比损失为(0.84±1.77)dB。经统计学分析,15张句表中有12张表相互等价,表5、8、14不等价。单侧80%医学参考值范围是小于+2.32dB,95%医学参考值范围是小于+3。74dB。结论普通话版的Ouick SIN为临床提供了一种简单、快捷地评价患者在噪声下言语识别能力的测听方法,并为助听装置的选配提供了客观依据。
Objective The purpose of this study was to develop Quick Speech-in- Noise(Quick SIN)test lists with equivalence using Mandarin short sentences in 4-talker babble noise materials. Methods 15 Mandarin-speaking subjects aged 18-25 with normal aural/oral communication abilities participated in the research. The psychometric measures on Mandarin speech intelligibility in babble noise were implemented under the SNR of +15, +10, +5, 0, -5 and -10 dB using 15 Mandarin Quick SIN lists (6 sentences each).The signal-to-noise loss (SNR loss) was calculated and analyzed with one-way ANOVA. The equivalence of the 15 lists was compared through Tukey's HSD test. Results The mean SNR loss of 15 normal-hearing people was (0.84±1.77) dB . Among the 15 lists, 12 provided homogenous results for listeners with normal hearing while List 5, 8, and 14 fell outside the critical range. A score not more than +2.32 dB SNR Loss was considered as normal. Conclusion Quick Speech in Noise test in Mandarin can provide information about supra-threshold hearing that cannot be inferred from the audiogram, which can be used to determine whether and how much the patients with hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids. Further, this test may assist the clinicians in hearing aid consultation and selection.
Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
Speech recognition in noise
Signal-to-noise ratio Ioss(SNR Loss)
Hearing aid