
浙粤学人与汉宋兼采——朱一新《无邪堂答问》论学旨趣解析 被引量:7

Zhejiang and Guangdong Scholars and Combining Han and Song Learning:An Analysis of the Scholarly Objectives of Zhu Yixin’s Wuxietang Dialogs
摘要 沟通汉宋以达学问胜境乃有清一代直至民国时期学界前贤一直努力的志业,因各家学力深浅与贯通程度不一,其眼中的汉宋实有不同,故兼采汉宋的做法往往各异。认识各家的异同高下,须在其所持言论之外,探求其人在兼采汉宋时取径与办法的不同。晚清学人治学,沟通汉宋蔚为风气,尤以江浙、广东为盛,后者颇渊源于前者,而又自具特色。晚清名儒朱一新,学出浙江诂经精舍,主讲于广东端溪、广雅等书院,与浙、粤两大学术圈关系极深,其学问交往,可资认识浙粤学人兼采汉宋的异同。朱氏治学路向以回复不分汉宋为高明,同时代的学人不加辨析,多把他看作广东陈澧一派,未必符合朱一新的自许。后人受此观点影响,所写学术史,难免偏差。以朱一新的言论为据,探寻其论学的语境与针对的事实,接近其论学的旨趣与本意,可以显现朱一新对于浙粤学术的认同或疏离,进而借此展现浙粤学人汉宋见解的同异与处理汉宋办法的高下。 Combining Han and Song Learning to raise scholarship to new heights had long been the objective of scholars from the Qing dynasty to the Republican period. Because of differences in their educational levels and their depths of understanding,different scholars saw Han and Song Learning with different eyes,so of course the ways they tried to combine Han and Song Learning were different as well. To understand the similarities and differences between scholars,we must go outside their words to explore the different methods and avenues of attack they took as they sought to combine Han and Song Learning. Connecting Han and Song Learning was the common practice of late Qing scholars,particularly in Zhejiang and Guangdong. The Guangdong school grew out of the Zhejiang school,but each had its own characteristics. The famous late-Qing Confucian scholar Zhu Yixin graduated from Gujing College and lectured in Duanxi and Guangya colleges in Guangdong province. He had close relations with Zhejiang and Guangdong academic circles. His scholarship and connections can help us to understand the similarities and differences between the methods used to combine Han and Song Learning by scholars in Zhejiang and by those in Guangdong. Zhu Yixin’s scholarly approach aspired to return to a state where there was no distinction between Han Learning and Song Learning. But contemporary scholars did not distinguish between his approach and that of others,and generally viewed him as part of Guangdong’s Chen Li school. This view did not necessarily accord with Zhu Yixin’s opinion of himself,but nevertheless it influenced dissertations in intellectual history written by later scholars,making it hard to avoid inaccuracies. However,we can shed light on Zhu Yixin’s identification with or alienation from the Zhejiang and Guangdong schools by taking Zhu Yixin’s own words as the basis for exploring the context of his scholarship and the objectives it really aimed at. In this way,we can demonstrate the similarities and differences between the views of scholars in Zhejiang and Guangdong,and the relative superiority or inferiority of the methods they used to deal with Han and Song Learning.
作者 於梅舫
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期4-15,共12页 Modern Chinese History Studies
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