
老年吸入性肺炎治疗及预后分析 被引量:8

Therapy and Prognosis of Elderly Patients with Aspiration Pneumonia
摘要 目的:了解老年吸入性肺炎的临床治疗及预后情况。方法:老年吸入性肺炎患者125例,分析病原菌特点;总结抗生素治疗现况、治疗费用及预后。结果:分析125例患者发现,老年吸入性肺炎病原菌以革兰阴性杆菌为主,占57%,且耐药率高(58.3%),多数患者为混合感染;91例(73%)患者曾使用2种或2种以上的抗生素,抗生素治疗时间一般超过2周;平均住院时间为28 d,平均住院费用为2.5万元,抗生素花费平均为1.2万元,均明显高于普通肺炎;影响预后的主要因素包括年龄、基础疾病及器官衰竭。结论:老年吸入性肺炎重症患者多,治疗费用大,预后差。 Objective: To investigate the clinical treatment and prognosis of elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia(AP).Methods: A total of 125 elderly patients with AP were enrolled.The aetiology,application of antibiotics,prognosis and cost of treatment were analyzed.Results: The main pathogens were Gram-negative bacilli(57%) with high drug-resistant rate(58.3%),and most patients were mix-infected;91(73%) cases used 2 or more kinds of antibiotics,the duration of antibacterial therapy was more than 2 weeks in most cases;the average duration of hospitalization was 28 days while the average cost of hospitalization was 25 000 RMB;and the mean expenses of antibiotics for AP were were higher than that for common pneumonia.The related factors to the prognosis included age,basic diseases,and organ failures.Conclusion: The clinical features of elderly patients with AP were severe and not typical.Due to high cost and mortality rate,integrative therapy should be used.
出处 《武汉大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期544-547,共4页 Medical Journal of Wuhan University
关键词 吸入性肺炎 老年 治疗 预后 Aspiration Pneumonia Elderly Treatment Prognosis
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