In the 21st century, workers' hospitals may be expected to: create new organizational and operational environments where the opportunities for various professional developments and for a more adventurous and innovatory management style will be increased; become the place where everybody, whether ordinary workers or cadres know, they may go to find the then available best services; offer clients and doctors a high - tech environment typified by lab automation, computerized information system, image - guided diagnosis and treatment techniques, minimally - invasive surgery, and microtherapy; make more services relatively portable and shift them out of hospitals to out - patient and more community - based settings for the convenience of the residents; develop multi - tiered and multi - directional services including clinical and emergency services, prevention, health protection, recuperation, health education, medical insurance, theoretical and practical researches, adapting the standards and benefits to the requirements of the changing times.
Chinese Hospital Management
Enterprise workers'hospital Regional general hospital Restructuring of economic system