
职业经理人激励、能力与企业绩效关系实证研究 被引量:6

An Empirical Study on the Relationship among Professional Managers' Motivation,Capacity and Corporate Performance
摘要 职业经理人激励机制一直都是个热点问题,选取职业经理人激励与企业绩效的关系作为出发点,并创新性地引入"能力发挥"变量,通过三者间关系的分析找出激励因素对职业经理人能力发挥的影响程度。利用三个变量间的关系模型,研究发现我国职业经理人的非物质激励、经理人能力发挥与企业绩效存在显著的正相关关系,物质激励与企业绩效不存在显著相关关系;非物质激励与能力发挥显著相关,而物质激励与能力发挥相关性不显著。在实证分析结果的基础上提出相应的对策:包括完善职业经理人市场体系,建立健全的职业经理人激励机制,加强对职业经理人能力的培育,建立有效的职业经理人绩效评价体系。 The motivation mechanism of professional managers is a hot research topic. Starting with the relationship between the patterns of incentive to professional managers and corporate performance, this article introduced innovatively the exertion of competency as a new variable. From the analysis of the relationship between these variables, we want to find the impact of the motivation factors on the capacity of professional managers. On the basis of the results of previous studies, this article put forward the idea of theoretical research and the initial model. Through the empirical analysis, we can conclude that: China's professional managers of spiritual motivation, the Exertion of Competency of managers correlate with the enterprise performance; there was no significant correlation between material motivation and enterprise performance; there was a significant correlation between the spiritual motivation and the exertion of competency, and the material motivation did not pass the test of significance. Finally, this article made a brief analysis of the empirical conclusions, then proposed the corresponding countermeasures: to improve the market system of professional managers; to establish a sound professional managers' incentive mechanism; enhancing the cultivation of professional managers' competency; to establish an effective performance evaluation system of professional managers.
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期606-612,共7页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学一般项目(07JA630078)
关键词 职业经理人 激励 能力发挥 企业绩效 professional managers motivation exertion of competency enterprise performance
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