
弥尔顿在中国:1837—1888,兼及莎士比亚 被引量:6

Milton in China,1837-1888,and Shakespeare
摘要 晚清时,西方在华传教士和中国开明的知识分子都为介绍莎士比亚和弥尔顿做出了贡献。林则徐和魏源等主动地拿来,梁廷枏和杨象济等批判地接受。但总的来看,传教士对弥尔顿的介绍要比同时期的中国人更细致、更具体,而且由于他们熟悉弥尔顿的生平和作品,能够做出恰当的评价、甚至高水平的翻译。同时,本文纠正了《中国大百科全书》中一个流传已久的错误。 In late-Qing China,both Western missionaries and enlightened Chinese intellectuals contributed to the introduction of Shakespeare and Milton to the Chinese. Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan took an initiative; Liang Tingnan and Yang Xiangji received them critically. On the whole,however,the missionaries' work was more detailed and more intimate; because of familiarity with Milton's life and writings,they could provide apt critical remarks and even a high-quality translation. This article also corrects a long-standing error in Encyclopaedia Sinica.TIAN Ying An Interpretation of Reflections in a Golden Eye 75Reflections in a Golden Eye has been labeled as 'the Southern Gothic Novel' for a long time,and the censure on it focuses on its grotesque style. Such critical commentaries fail to expose the subversive nature of the novel. Set in its own social and historical background,this novel subverts the mainstream ideology of the Southern American society by means of deconstruction and construction. Revealing the erosions by modern civilization,McCullers deconstructs the grand narrative of the Southern myth. Bakhtin's notion of carnivalization also offers a new perspective to interpret the novel. By creating carnivalesque characters,McCullers at the same time constructs a real South with the shattered myth. By both deconstruction and construction,McCullers records the changes of the Southern American society.
作者 郝田虎
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期66-74,共9页 Foreign Literature
基金 教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金项目“弥尔顿在中国”
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