
梦蝶·应和·变形:现代异化和美学经验 被引量:3

Butterfly Dream/Correspondence/Transformation:The Aesthetic Experience Against Alienation
摘要 此文以蝴蝶的喻说为线索,探讨西方现代文学里的一个美学经验结构如何和庄周梦蝶相通相呼应。此文以联想的重叠为结构,类似蝴蝶翅膀的图案。从蝴蝶的变形、蝴蝶为花魂的联想开始,引出和蝴蝶有关的美学联想;进而,以庄周梦蝶的物我互换的寓意为主线,和波德莱尔的"应和"论中的物我互换做对照,由此进入讨论的焦点:现代文学和哲学中有一个美学经验结构,抵御并改造布尔乔亚的异化经验结构;在这个语境中,"应和"包含了"绵延时间"和"灵韵"方面的语意。文章因此涉及梵乐西所论的梦境中的物我对等,以及博尔赫斯如何引用了庄周梦蝶"驳斥"直线时间。第四节继续探讨现代异化和美学经验的关系,重点放在纳博科夫如何对卡夫卡《变形记》做了奇特的解读,将蝴蝶变形和现代异化联系在一起。纳博科夫再一次提到庄周梦蝶。 The essay explores how the tradition of an aesthetic experience in modern Western literature resonates with and,responds to,the ancient Chinese dream of Zhuang Tze and a butterfly. Zhuang Tze's butterfly dream is first discussed in conjunction with Nietzsche's explanation of the aesthetic interaction between the subject and object and with Baudelaire's 'correspondence' in his spleen-ideal duality. 'Correspondence' is further discussed as part of an aesthetic structure in modern literature against the alienating modern life represented by the bourgeoisie. This aesthetic structure is then broadened to include Bergson's durée (internal time) against clock time,Valery's dream-like aesthetic interaction with objects,Borges's new refutations of time,Nabokov's reading of Kafka's Metamorphosis in terms of caterpillar's painful transformation,all with references to or,akin to,Zhuang Tze's butterfly dream.
作者 童明
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期147-155,共9页 Foreign Literature
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  • 1Baudelaire, Charles. "The Painter of Modern Life." Selected Writings on Art and Literature. Trans. P. E. Charvet. London: Penguin, 1972.
  • 2Baudelaire, Charles. Paris Spleen. Trans. Louise Varese. New York : New Directions, 1947.
  • 3Baudelaire, Charles. The Flowers of Evil & Paris Spleen. Trans. William H. Crosby. Brockport, NY: BOA, 1991.
  • 4Benjamin, Waiter. "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire. " Illuminations : Essays and Reflections. Ed. Hannah Arendt. New York: Shocken Books, 1969.
  • 5Bergson, Henri. Time and Free Will : An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness. Trans. F. L Pogson. Mineola: Dover, 2001.
  • 6Borges, Jorge Luis. "A New Refutation of Time. " A Personal Anthology. Ed. Anthony Kerrigan. New York: Grove Press, 1967.
  • 7Kafka, Franz. "Metamorphosis. " The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces. New York: Schocken, 1948.
  • 8Marx, Karl. "The Alienation of Labor. " The Critical Tradition: Classical Texts and Contemporary Trends. Ed. David Richter. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin's. 2007.
  • 9Mumford, Lewis. Technics and Civilization. New York: Harbinger, 1963.
  • 10Nabokov, Vladimir. "On Transformation." The Atlantic Monthly. Vol. 285. No. 4 ( April 2000) : 54.











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