
英语否定倒装结构的句法分析 被引量:4

The syntax of negative inversion constructions in English
摘要 本文对英语中否定倒装结构的句法机制进行分析。英语否定倒装结构中的否定词语前置,总是伴以助动词的倒装,将句子变成否定句,作用于整个句子。前置否定成分移位进入焦点词组FocP的指示语位置,助动词则进入其中心语Foc位置。中心语Foc带有语义无解焦点特征,必须在结构运算过程中通过指示语与中心语的呼应关系加以删除。本文分析假设,指示语不能与空位中心语形成呼应,如果没有中心语可以呼应,则触发助动词倒装。由于否定倒装结构中的焦点中心语Foc不曾被任何成分填充,因此是内在的空位,助动词移入该位置,可为指示语提供一个能彼此呼应的中心语。 This paper proposes an account of the syntax of negative inversion constructions in English, as illustrated in sentences like 'Nothing could they do to save her'. The preposed negative constituent, always accompanied by subject-auxiliary inversion, turns a positive clause into a negative one and has an impact on the entire clausal domain. It is proposed that the preposed negative constituent targets the specifier of FocP and the auxiliary moves to Foc. The head Foc constituent of FocP carries an uninterpretable focus feature which has to be deleted in the course of the derivation via agreement between the specifier and the head. Central to my analysis is the assumption that no specifier can agree with an empty head position and subject-auxiliary inversion is triggered when there is no head to agree with. Given that the head Foc position in negative inversion structures is unfilled, an auxiliary is moved to Foc in order to provide a head for the specifier to enter into the agreement relationship.
作者 韩景泉
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期243-252,共10页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目"语法化现象的形式主义研究"(06YB54) "限定词组的句法研究"(06YB83)以及"英语非宾格动词现象研究"(09YBA165)的部分研究成果
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