
基于图书借阅的人类行为标度律分析 被引量:14

Analysis of Human Behavior Scaling Law Based on Library Loans
摘要 通过研究两所大学图书馆数据库中的真实资料,从群体和个体两个层面分析一次借阅过程中图书的借阅时间和用户连续两次借阅或还回图书的时间间隔等统计特征。结果表明,群体行为与个体行为表现出不同的统计特征,除群体行为的借阅时间表现为指数分布外,其它统计量都服从指数范围为1至3的幂律分布。研究说明,人类行为在群体和个体层面上具有不同的多重标度特性。 Through studying the library datasets of two universities, this paper analyzed the time span from book borrowing to returning and the two consecutive library loans from both collective and individual aspects. The results showed different statistical characteristics between collective behavior and individual behavior. All the statistics approximately follow power-law distribution with the power exponent ranging from 1 to 3, except that the time span of collective behaviors approximately follows exponential distribution. It can be concluded that the human behaviors have different multi-scaling characteristic from both collective and individual aspects.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第15期35-39,共5页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于随机服务理论的复杂网络和人类动力学演化模型"(项目编号:70871082) 上海市重点学科建设项目"管理科学与工程"(项目编号:S30504)研究成果之一
关键词 人类行为动力学 图书借阅 幂律分布 指数分布 human behavior dynamics library loans power-law distribution exponential distribution
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