
《萧山市志》承接前志的实践 被引量:1

Practices of Following the Previous Example of Xiaoshan Municipal Records
摘要 《萧山市志》不仅利用述、记、志、传、表、录承接前志,而且还利用"注"的方式承接前志,操作方法有三:1.一段注释法。即对一句话加注,一段注释事物的发端、发展情况,直至与续志上限相衔接。2.分段注释法。即连续对几个句子加注,分段注释事物的发端、发展、曲折和变化情况,直至与续志的上限相衔接。3.直接注释法。即对记述事物的标题加注,直接注释事物的整个发展过程,直到与续志的上限相衔接。在操作中注重做到四个方面:一是做到记述事物从发端开始,查不到发端时间的,从有文献记述的年代开始,直到前志下限的发展过程。二是做到"简",高度概括前志内容,以达到明晰事物发展过程为目的,重点记述续志上下限时段内事物的发展变化情况。三是做到站在时代的高度,对事物的历史发展赋予新的更深刻的认识,而不完全照搬前志。四是做到所注句子的针对性、科学性,并注意不与其他所注句子重复,以免损害志书质量。《萧山市志》利用"注"承接前志,不但能记述事物发展的全过程,而且方便读者。 Xiaoshan Municipal Record continues to follow its previous example not only by way of Shu,Ji,Zhi,Zhuan,Biao,Lu,but also by way of Zhu(notes).Here are three operational methods: 1.one-paragraph noting.That means to add notes to one phrase in order to explain the origin,development of things until the upper limit of time in the current compilation.2.noting paragraph by paragraph.That means to add notes consecutively to several phrases in order to explain from their origin the development,complication and changes of things until the upper limit of time in the current compilation.3.direct noting.That involves adding notes directly to the titles of things from the origin or starting point until the upper limit of time in the current compilation.Special focus will be given to the following aspects in practice: 1.to describe the events from the very beginning or from the time of documentation of the events,of which the starting points were unknown,until the lower limit of time in the previous local records.2.to focus on simplicity and to summarize the contents of previous local records in order to clarify the process of development of the events and to concentrate on describing the situation of development and changes of the events within the upper and lower limits of time.3.to stand at the height of the times and to have a new and deeper understanding of the historical development of the events instead of copying completely the previous local records.4.to pay attention to the pertinence and scientificity of the noted phrases and not to make repetitions to avoid any damage of the quality of local records.Xiaoshan Municipal Records follows the previous records with the use of Zhu(notes).This helps to describe the whole process of development of the events and facilitates the readers' understanding.
作者 金雄波
出处 《中国地方志》 CSSCI 2010年第7期33-34,共2页 China Local Records
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