Richard A.Musgrave认为,政府有三个方面的经济职能。其中,提供公共产品和服务是其最重要的经济职能之一。无论是出于社会责任的考虑还是因为市场失灵的原因,政府都有义务向公众提供公共产品与服务。党的十七大把"人人享有基本医疗卫生服务"确立为全面建设小康社会的重要目标之一,所以政府在基本医疗卫生服务中需要积极介入并承担起应有的责任。建国以来,我国医疗卫生改革主要经过了全能型政府主导的"大卫生"模式和"市场化"导向的基本医疗服务模式,但仍存在医疗资源配置不均、个人医疗费用上涨过快、不同群体享受的医疗保障待遇差距大等问题。因此,必须制定具有公益性和均等化特点的服务目标、构建多元化医疗卫生服务体系、创设具有均等化导向的财政制度,以促进政府更好地为人民群众提供基本医疗卫生服务。
Right to social security is every citizen's fundamental right. As a part of social security right, it's the government's function to provide citizens with basic health services. 'Providing everyone with access to basic medical and health services' was identified as one of the important goals in the 17th party congress. Therefore, the Government should actively get involved in basic medical and health services and assume due responsibility. Since the founding of new China, China's health care reform primarily has experienced the all-government-led 'great health' model and 'market-oriented' model, but there still exist problems such as uneven health care resource allo- cation, overheating of personal medical expenses and oversized disparity of the health insurance treatment that differ- ent groups enjoy. Therefore, the government should draw up service objectives with public welfare and equaliza- tion, build a diversified health care system and create an equalization-oriented financial system to facilitate the government to provide people with better basic medical and health services.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
basic medical and health services