With advantages of low-cost mass information handling which caters to the requirements of enterprises to reduce cost in the financial tsunami,and promoted by Google,IBM,Amazon and many other companies,Cloud Computing has become the popular star in ICT field.Driven by multiple factors such as technology,cost and industrial ecosystems,the Cloud Computing is becoming more and more mature either in technology or business model following its gradual entry into the mainstream.The coordinated development of 'end'-'pipe'-'cloud' is instrumental in the evolution Cloud Computing.It is foreseeable that the Cloud Computing will play a more important role in the ICT field and even in human and social development.Although Cloud Computing has many advantages,it also has own limitation in the current stage of exploration.Therefore,each enterprise and user of Cloud Computing should comprehensively consider the characteristics and their own needs for Cloud Computing,and make their choice for long-term interests.The government should give carefully thought in funding to Cloud Computing,and creat a good environment for its sustainable development.
World Telecommunications