目的建立高效液相色谱法同时测定致康胶囊中大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚含量的方法。方法色谱柱:安捷伦Eclipse-XDB-C_(18)柱(250mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相:乙腈-水-冰醋酸(60:40:1);流速:1.0 mL·min^(-1);检测波长:437nm。结果大黄酸平均回收率为98.26%,RSD为1.79%,大黄素平均回收率为99.19%,RSD为1.02%,大黄酚平均回收率为99.48%,RSD为01.85%。结论该方法简便、灵敏、准确,可作为致康胶囊的质量控制方法 。
OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC method for the determination of contents of rhein, emodin and chrysophanol in Zhikang capsules. METHODS Agilent Eclipse-XDB-C18柱( 250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5μm ) was used. The mobile phase was acetonitrile-water-acetic acid (60 : 40 : 1 ), flow rate 1.0 mL·min^-1, and the wavelength was 437nm. RESULTS The average recovery rate of rhein, emodin and chrysophanol was 98.26, 99.19, 99.48 and RSD was 1.79 %, 1.02 %, 1.85 %. CONCLUSION The method is simple, accurate, sensitive and can be used to control the quality of Zhikang capsule.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal