
不同放射治疗方法及组织学类型对皮肤恶性肿瘤生存率的影响 被引量:2

Effects of radiation therapy methods and histology types on survival rateofskin cancer
摘要 为了探讨不同治疗方法及组织学类型对皮肤恶性肿瘤治疗效果的影响。对我院1977年到1992年治疗的可供分析的72例皮肤及附件恶性肿瘤就治疗方法,组织学类型,照射总剂量及分割剂量,照射野大小等与5年,10年生存病例数及生存率的关系进行分析研究。结果表明:皮肤恶性肿瘤总的放射治疗失败率为26.4%(19/72),14例基底细胞癌采用单次剂量3.0~3.5Gy组5年,10年生存率分别为78.5%。70.0%;常规剂量组5年,10年生存率分别为79.8%,62.9%。在49例基底细胞癌中,5年,10年生存率综合治疗组为86.4%,50%,单纯放疗组为85.2%,48.0%;照射野超过肿瘤边缘大于2cm组分别为69.2%,40.4%;超边小于2cm组为88.0%,29.2%。基底细胞癌生存率较其他肿瘤高,单次剂量以3.0~4.0Gy治疗效果较好,综合治疗组与单纯放疗组以及照射野超过肿瘤边缘大于2cm组和超边小于2cm组5年,10年生存率经统计学处理,无显著性差异。基底细胞癌放疗照射总剂量以51~60Gv最佳。 To evaluate effects of radiation therapy methods and histology types on survival rate of skin cancer. 72 casesof skin cancer were treated by radiation therapy from 1977 to 1992. Relation between different therapy methods,histology type, total radiation dose, fractionated dose and survival rate was studied. Total dose was from 3.5 to 8.5Gy. 19 patients died of the reason related to skin cancer. The 5 year and 10 year survival rates:Basal cellcarcinoma was 87.8 % ,63.2 % , squamous cell carcinoma was 57.1 % , 30.1 % , Basal cell carcinoma for 3.0-3.5Gy offractionated dose was 78.5 % , 70.0% , for routine fractionated dose was 79.8 % , 62.9 % , for irradiated field>2cm ofedge of tumor was 69.2% ,40.4%, for that<2cm was 88.0%,29.2%. 5 and 10 years survival rates of Basal cellcarcinoma were higher than those of squamous cell carcinoma(P<0.05). It was optimal that fractionated dose ofper day was 3.0 ̄3.5Gy. With total radiation dose of 51 ̄60Gy
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期81-83,共3页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
关键词 皮肤肿瘤 生存率 组织学 放射疗法 Skin cancer Radiation therapy Histology types, Therapy methods Survival rates
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