
基于词语量化相关关系的句际相关度计算 被引量:2

The inter-sentence semantic relevancy degree calculation using the quantified correlation of words
摘要 语篇上下文句子之间形式上是否衔接、意义上是否关联,是文本推理和文本结构分析的重要依据。上下文句子之间的关联性分析可分为定性和定量两种形式,作者以词语相关关系量化分析为基础,将上下文句子之间的相关度看成是由组成两个句子的所有词对之间的量化相关关系的组合结果,来定量地计算句子之间的相关度。实验结果表明,文中给出的句子相关度计算方法能够避免相似性度量中句子长度窗口受限问题;同时,与人工给出的句子间相关度进行相关系数计算表明,该方法能够很好的模拟人的认知来计算句子之间的语义相关性。 The coherence in form and relevancy in meaning between sentences in a context are the important grounds in text reasoning and text-structure analysis.There are two ways of analyzing the inter-sentence correlativity in a context—qualitatively and quantitatively.According to the analysis of quantified correlation between words,it assumed that the inter-sentence correlativity in a context was the outcome of the quantified correlation between word-pairs,which consist of the adjacent sentences,this study quantitatively measured the degree of semantic relevancy between sentences.The experimental results showed that this method of relevancy measurement could avoid the window-length constraint which exists in similarity measurement.In addition,the calculation for the correlation coefficient of correlativity between sentences,done by hand and done by computer,indicated that the method could well-simulate the cognition of the human brain to measure the semantic relevancy between sentences in a context.
出处 《山东大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第5期105-111,共7页 Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science)
基金 教育部人文社科基金资助项目(09YJC740027) 江西省高校人文社科基金资助项目(YY1005)
关键词 词语量化关系 句际相关度 句际相似度 quantified correlation of words inter-sentence relevancy degree inter-sentence similarity
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