Short selling is a"double-edged sword",which can be easily abused to manipulate the market and to drive share price down while improving liquidity and stabilizing the market price.Therefore,the effective supervision is in urgent need.The United States was the leading country on supervision of short selling,every move of whom influence other countries'law and policy.Before and after the crisis,The United Stateshas taken a series of measures and systems against short selling.Through reflection and assessment of its mainmeasures and systems,we can find that limit or prohibit short selling as well as the uptick rule has a limitedeffect,while the circuit breaker rules and information disclosure system for the regulation of short selling havean important role.Given China's short selling has just launched,both the theory and the system have many inadequacies,we should establish correct concept on our short selling system,give localized test to uptick rule,set up circuit breaker rules,improve the information disclosure system in order to better respond to subsequentproblems,protect the interests of investors and promote the stable development of the securities market.
China Legal Science