目的研究新型纳米载体HPC-g-PDMAEMA(HPD)对于不同肿瘤细胞系的转染能力,评价其在基因治疗及研究中的作用,并且初步探索HPD对于siRNA的运载能力。方法 HPD和脂质体2000(Lipo 2K)运载绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)质粒,分别转染MCF7、973、JF305 3种肿瘤细胞系,采用流式细胞仪检测其转染效率;HPD和Lipo 2K运载针对GADPH的siRNA,转染MCF7,利用RT-PCR检测其RNA转染效率。结果对于MCF7细胞,HPD的DNA转染效率高于Lipo 2K;对于973细胞,二者转染效率相近;对于JF305细胞,HPD转染效率低于Lipo 2K。在MCF7细胞中,利用HPD进行RNA转染,效率低于Lipo 2K。结论对于不同的肿瘤细胞系,可以采用不同的基因载体进行转染,从而提高转染效率。
OBJECTIVE To study the DNA transfection efficiencies of the novel cationic polymers HPC-g-PDMAEMA(HPD) for tumor cells.To evaluate the capacity of HPD as siRNA carrier for gene therapy.METHOD DNA transfection assays were performed using HPD/pEGFP-C1 complexes in MCF7,973,JF305 cells and the cellular uptake was determined by flow cytometry.RNA transfection assays were performed using HPD/GADPH siRNA complexes in MCF7 cell and mRNA expression was analyzed by RT-PCR.RESULTS The gene transfection efficiency of HPD/pEGFP-C1 complexes is higher in MCF7,similar in 973 and lower in JF305 than those of Lipo 2K,however,the transfection efficiency of HPD/RNA complexes is lower than that of Lipo 2K.CONCLUSION Gene delivery systems can be used distinctively in different tumor cell lines for efficient tumor-specific gene therapy.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal