
基于消息摆渡的DTN路由协议性能评估 被引量:2

Performance evaluation of DTN routing protocols based on message ferries
摘要 通过分析消息摆渡方法对提升稀疏DTN(delay/disruption-tolerant networks)性能的可行性,提出了基于消息摆渡的DTNs的两种路由方案。使用网络模拟方法对多个路由协议在基于消息摆渡的DTNs中的性能作分析比较,实验表明,通过加入消息摆渡节点可以有效提高DTN路由协议在节点分布稀疏情况下的性能。 By analyzing the feasibility of improving network performance of sparse DTNs with the assistance of message ferries,this paper put forward two routing schemes for DTNs with message ferries,introduced and compared a variety of routing protocols in DTNs using simulations. The experimental results show that the performance of routing protocols in a sparse DTN can be improved effectively by adding message ferries into the network.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期3120-3123,3126,共5页 Application Research of Computers
关键词 延迟/中断容忍网络 消息摆渡 路由协议 模拟 性能评估 delay/disruption-tolerant network(DTN) message ferry routing protocol simulation performance evaluation
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