

Analysis of ADR Cases in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan
摘要 目的:建立专属台湾高雄长庚医院病患之安全数据库及建立本土用药数据,以提供相关药物警讯给各医疗相关单位参考。方法:藉由院内网络设置之"药品不良反应(ADR)通报及回复系统",以回溯性方式收集2006~2008年之ADR通报案例并进行统计、分析。结果:此期间之通报案例共1129件,且逐年增加。通报的来源以药师最多(61.82%),其次为医师(34.90%)和护理师(3.28%)。通报个案的性别分布为男性58.02%、女性41.98%。可疑药品依药理分类排名分析,最常见的为抗菌药(31.09%)、中枢神经用药(22.76%)、循环系统用药(21.35%)。在可疑药品导致的临床症状方面,最主要的为皮肤及其附件症状(45.70%)、消化系统症状(10.45%)、循环系统症状(10.01%)。通报案例的严重度分析,轻度50.13%,中度49.07%,严重0.80%。医师对ADR的处理方式,以停药最多(占40.83%),其次为停药并投予解药(占30.56%)。结论:药师希望将ADR通报业务,从个案通报、评估、确认、分析、追踪外,再加上自动警示系统的使用,能提升为主动预防。藉此能降低可预期性的ADR发生率,以维护病患的用药安全。 OBJECTIVE:To set up the database for safety of patients and medication in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital(CGMH),and to provide pharmaceutical warning for medical institutions.METHODS:Based on ADR Reporting and Responding System,ADR cases were collected from 2006 to 2008 retrospectively and analyzed statistically.RESULTS:A total of 1 129 cases were included and the number of ADR cases increased year by year.Most of ADR cases were reported by pharmacists(61.82%),followed by physicians(34.90%) and registered nurses(3.28%).Of 1 129 ADR cases,58.02% were male and 41.98% were female.31.09% of ADR cases were induced by antibacterial agents,22.76% drugs acting on central nerve system,21.35% drugs acting on circulatory system.Main clinical manifestations were symptoms of skin and its appendants(45.07%),digestive system(10.45%) and circulatory system(10.01%).Among 1 129 ADR cases,there were mild ADR cases of 50.13%,medium ADR cases of 49.07% and severe ADR cases of 0.80%.According to the disposal ways,40.83% stopped taking medicine and 30.56% were additionally given antidote.CONCLUSION:Pharmacists expect to transform ADR reporting into active prevention of ADR by case report,evaluation,identification,analysis,follow-up and automatic warning system.The incidence of predictable ADR can be reduced to guarantee the safety of drug use.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第30期2860-2863,共4页 China Pharmacy
关键词 台湾地区 高雄长庚医院 药品不良反应 通报案例 分析 Taiwan Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Adverse drug reaction Reporting cases Analysis
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