
一种基于遗传算法的无线传感器网络覆盖模型 被引量:11

A coverage model of wireless sensor networks based on genetic algorithm
摘要 在无线传感器网络中,传感器节点的分布通常具有随机性和密集性,监测区域会出现覆盖盲区或者覆盖重叠。为此,推导出了无线传感器最优覆盖模型计算最少节点个数的公式,对遗传算法中的适应度函数公式做了改进,将多重覆盖率和覆盖率的组合作为适应度函数。根据遗传算法的相关内容和流程图,利用遗传算法对覆盖策略做了仿真模拟,证明了所选用的方法的正确和优越性。 As sensor nodes in WSN are usually distributed randomly and densely, this may arise to coverage holes and coverage-overlap of sensing ranges.This paper deduces the formula of calculating the fewest node number in the best coverage model in WSN. It improves the fitness function of genetic algorithm, and puts compose of the over-lap rate and coverage rate as the fitness function. This paper uses genetic algorithm to simulate the coverage strategy, and proves the correct and superiority of the method be chosen.
出处 《微型机与应用》 2010年第15期59-62,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 无线传感器网络 覆盖 节点 遗传算法 WSN coverage node genetic algorithm
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