
社会性别、环境议题与发展研究 被引量:6

Gender, Environment and Developmental Studies
摘要 社会性别以及环境保护是当代发展研究的两项关键议题,本文凸显现代化发展造成环境退化往往加剧社会性别不平等现象,并且反映在政治、经济、社会与文化层面。本文分析发展研究中的性别视角与环境议题脉络,包括从最初女性参与发展到性别与发展视角;从生态女性主义的女性、环境与发展视角,到纳入社会性别意识而成为性别、环境与发展视角。性别、环境与发展视角又从学术社群的关怀,转变为国际共识,并逐渐在各种国际组织以及相关会议上受到更多的重视。历次联合国重要的国际会议以及宣言也都呼应了性别、环境与发展视角,彰显社会性别平等在推动全球可持续发展中不可或缺的作用。 In modem development studies, gender equality and environmental protection are two of the most critical issues. When economic development would cause environmental degradation, it would also increase gender inequality in political, social, and economic dimensions. Based on the above perspective, this paper, firstly, reviews women's active roles in development studies fi'om WID to GAD. Secondly, the paper discusses environment issues from a gender perspective, and introduces related theoretical concepts from eco-feminism, and WED to GED. Thirdly, the concept of GED extends from academic perspective to international consensus and strategies. Moreover, many international organizations and official claims repeatedly emphasize that gender equality is an indispensable dimension in the cause of global sustainable development and environmental justice.
作者 施奕任
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期21-28,63,共9页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 发展研究 可持续发展 社会性别 环境正义 development studies, sustainable development, gender, environmental justice
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