
美国与以色列在伊朗核问题上的共识与分歧 被引量:1

On the Agreement and Discord of the U.S.and Israeli Administrations on Iranian Nuclear Issue
摘要 美以均坚决反对伊朗拥有核武器,且始终认为伊朗发展核技术旨在制造核武器,因此两国主张严格限制伊朗核活动。这是长期以来美以在伊朗核问题上的基本共识,美以现政府仍持有此共识。但由于美国把伊朗核问题置于海湾乃至全球安全战略框架中考虑,伊朗核问题只是其安全战略框架的构成要素之一。除了伊朗核问题,美国也同样关注伊拉克问题、阿富汗问题等其他中东问题。而以色列则把伊朗核问题看作维护其国家安全的重中之重。两国的安全战略目标在范围和轻重缓急上存在差异。因此,尽管美以两国均主张严格限制伊朗的核活动,但在限制手段和限制方式等方面存在分歧。 Both U.S. and Israel have strongly opposed Iran's possession of nuclear weapons and always insisted that Iran's developing nuclear technology is aimed at making nuclear weapons, and thus they both claim that rigid restrictions should be imposed on Iran's nuclear activities.This is the basic consensus that the two countries have long reached and is still supported by the current administrations of the two countries.But as the U.S.takes into account the Iran nuclear issue from the perspective of its regional or even global security frame work, the issue is just one of the import components of its security strategy frame work.Besides the Iranian nuclear issue, the U.S.is also concerned with other regional or international issues like the Iraq issue, Afghanistan issue.Israel, on the other hand, regards the Iranian nuclear issue as its ultimate priority in maintaining its national security.There is discrepancy in their security strategies in terms of the scope and order of priority.Therefore, although both countries insist that rigid restrictions should be imposed on Iran's nuclear activities, they disagree on the means and methods of restrictions.
作者 岳汉景
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 2010年第4期29-36,共8页 Arab World Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目(07CGJ003)的阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 美国外交 以色列 伊朗核问题 海湾安全 中东核扩散 U.S. Foreign Policy Israel Iranian Nuclear Issue Gulf Secutiry Middle East Nuclear Proliferation
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