

Advance of Antithrombotic Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation
摘要 心房颤动患者具有很高的血栓栓塞的风险。近几年,心房颤动抗栓治疗特别是预防卒中治疗方面取得了很多进展,主要体现在抗凝治疗、抗血小板治疗、抗心律失常药物的应用及介入治疗等方面。本文将对心房颤动抗栓治疗进展进行回顾。 Patients with atrial fibrillation have high risk of thromboembolism. In recent years, many progresses have been made in the research of the antithrombotic therapy, especially the prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation. It mainly reflected in the aspects of anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy, the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, interventional therapy, etc. Advances of antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation were reviewed in this paper.
作者 韩菲 杨中华
出处 《中国卒中杂志》 2010年第7期583-590,共8页 Chinese Journal of Stroke
关键词 心房颤动 卒中 抗栓 Atrial fibrillation Stroke Antithrombotic New advance
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