目的了解我县中学生寄生虫感染情况,为防治工作提供科学依据。方法(1)碘液直接涂片法,主要查肠道原虫包囊;(2)改良加藤涂片法,查各种蠕虫卵:(3)试管滤纸培养法,查其他线虫幼虫和区别钩虫虫种。凡检出包囊、虫卵或幼虫者判为感染。结果 2005年与2007年我县中学生总感染率和同时感染两种寄生虫者的感染率明显下降,二者差异有显著性。中学生肠道寄生虫感染以蛔虫、鞭虫居多。结论加强宣传教育,加强综合卫生管理,应用药物驱虫?对预防中学生肠道寄生虫感染具有重要意义。
Objective Understood that my county middle-school student parasite infection situation, provides the scientific basis for the prevention. Methods (1) the iodine fluid direct smear law, mainly looks up the intestinal tract protozoan envelope; (2) improves the Katoo smear law, Zha Ge plants the worm egg; (3) the test tube filter paper raise law, looks up other wireworm larva and the difference hook insects plants. Every picks out the envelope, the ovum or the larva sentences for the infectio. Analysis in 2005 I the county middle-school student total infection percentage and simultaneously infects two kind of parasite's infection percentage obvious drops with 2007, the two difference has the significance. Middle-school student intestinal tract parasite infection by roundworm, whipworm majority . Conclusion Strengthens the public education, strengthens the comprehensive conservancy of sanitation, to prevents the middle-school student intestinal tract parasite infection using the medicine expelling worms to have the important meaning.
Present situation analysis