目的探讨小鼠超声雾化吸入结核分枝杆菌噬菌体D29的生物安全性,及噬菌体D29在小鼠肺组织中的活性变化规律,旨在为临床治疗肺结核提供一新途径。方法 8只小鼠分成两组,实验组4只超声雾化吸入分枝杆菌噬菌体D29,对照组4只超声雾化吸入空白培养基,观察不同时间肺的组织学改变,并检测不同时间肺组织冲洗液中噬菌体D29的活性。结果小鼠超声雾化吸入噬菌体D29后1、2、3、24h与对照组比较,肺组织结构正常,无任何炎症性改变,肺组织冲洗液中噬菌体D29活性1h后开始急剧下降,24h后无活性。结论小鼠超声雾化吸入噬菌体D29具有较高的生物安全性,噬菌体D29在小鼠肺内的存活具有高度时间依赖性。
To evaluate the biological safety of ultrasonic atomized inhalation of mycobacteriophage D29 in mice and the activity variation of mycobacteriophage D29 in mice lung tissue,to find a new way for clinic treatment of tuberculosis.Methods 8 mice were divided into two groups.The experimental group inhaled mycobacteriophage D29,and the control group inhaled Middlebrook 7H9 Medium.Histological changes of mice lung were observed after ultrasonic atomized inhalation of mycobacteriophage D29,and the activity of mycobacteriophage D29 was detected in the flushing fluid of mice lung tissue.Results The mice lung tissue was normal without any inflammatory changes compared with the controls at 1,2,3,24h after ultrasonic atomized inhalation of mycobacteriophage D29.The activity of mycobacteriophage D29 sharply declined after 1h of ultrasonic atomized inhalation of mycobacteriophage D29,and it was no activity after 24h.Conclusion Ultrasonic atomized inhalation of mycobacteriophage D29 in mice has highly biological safety,and the activity of mycobacteriophage D29 in the mice lung is highly time-dependent.
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