
中国重化工业生态足迹估算方法研究 被引量:15

Method Study of Ecological Footprint Calculating of Heavy and Chemical Industry in China
摘要 作为可持续发展评价的重要方法之一,生态足迹分析方法已被广泛应用于区域、产业、企业以及学校等领域的可持续发展评价中,而对于造成生态环境压力最大的工业尤其是重化工业,生态足迹方法的应用却不多见。本文首先分析了重化工业生态足迹形成机理,将重化工业生态足迹的形成划分为资源消耗与环境排放两个阶段,然后将重化工业生态占用划分为化石能源、水资源、工业用地、工业废水、工业废气以及工业固体废弃物六个方面,基于数据的可获得性,分别详细介绍了每个项目生态足迹的计算方法,最后分析了计算生态足迹时应注意的几个问题,一是水资源生态足迹的重复计算问题及处理方法,二是石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业的碳固定化比率问题,三是水泥工业制造过程中碳排放问题。本文尝试将生态足迹方法应用于重化工业可持续发展评价,为从产业层面估算重化工业生态足迹提供了一套可以参考的标准和一套计算的工具。 As one of the important methods for the evaluation of sustainable development, ecological footprint analysis has been widely used in sustainable development evaluation of many fields, such as regions, industries, enterprises and schools. However, the ecological footprint analysis is rarely used in industries, which has exerted the greatest pressure on eco-environment, especially the heavy and chemical industry. In this paper, we divided the heavy and chemical industry ecology into fossil energy, water resources, industrial land, industrial waste water, industrial exhausted and industrial solid waste based on the analysis of mechanism of ecology footprint of heavy and chemical industry , and then we divided the formative process of the ecological footprint of heavy and chemical industry into two period of resources consumption and environmental discharge. Based on data availability, we presented the calculation of ecological footprint of every item in detail and analyzed several problems which should be paid attention to when calculating the ecological footprint. First, we should concentrate on the double counting of the ecological footprint of water resource and its processing method. Second is the carbon fixation rate of petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing, q'laird, we should also concern about carbon emission from the cement industry. This research will try to apply the ecological footprint analysis to sustainable development evaluation of the heavy and chemical industry, which can offer a standard which can be referred to and a set of computational tools when estimating the ecological footprint of heavy and chemical industry from the industry level.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期137-141,共5页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.70873063) 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(No.08JJD630006)
关键词 重化工业 生态足迹 均衡因子 heavy and chemical industry ecological footprint equilibrium factor
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