
保细节的基于曲面控制的网格变形 被引量:3

Detail-Preserving Mesh Deformation Based on Surface Control
摘要 综合考虑微分域网格编辑方法在细节特征保持方面的优势以及细分曲面的任意拓扑适应性,提出一种基于曲面控制的网格变形方法.以流形网格上的离散泊松方程为理论基础,在指定变形区域模型表面设计细分曲面作为变形控制曲面,并将对它的编辑操作映射为对变形区域网格的梯度场操纵,最后通过泊松重建得到变形后的网格模型.文中变形方法克服了传统参数样条曲面难以贴合任意拓扑物体外形的缺陷,可以有效保持物体的细节特征. Proposed in this paper is a mesh deformation method based on surface control,which takes into consideration the advantages of differential-domain mesh editing methods in terms of detail preserving and the arbitrary topology adaptability of subdivision surfaces. In this method,based on the discrete Poisson equation of manifold grids,a subdivision surface attached to a specified mesh deformation region is designed as the deformation-controlling surface. The deformation-controlling surface is mapped into the gradient field modification for the deformation region meshes. Finally,a mesh model with deformation is reconstructed based on the Poisson equation. The proposed deformation method overcomes the shortcoming of the traditional parametric spline surfaces in terms of attaching the objects with arbitrary topologies. Moreover,it can effectively preserve the geometric details of an object.
出处 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期39-44,共6页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国防基础科研基金资助项目
关键词 网格 变形 曲面控制 细分曲面 泊松网格编辑 细节保持 mesh deformation surface control subdivision surface Poisson mesh editing detail preserving
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